Action #2

The Trump campaign and cabinet must be investigated due to: (a) multiple unexplained Russian contacts combined with (b) indications given by 17 US intelligence agencies of Russian involvement in the 2016 national elections.

Don’t let this irresponsible and dangerous action on the part of Donald Trump go unanswered! A Commission of the sort assembled for the 911 investigation can be appointed by Congress. As Attorney General Sessions has recused himself, it would have to be Congress that appoints such an investigative body.

This week we’re contacting key people in our national legislature and telling them that we want open-ended investigations into Russian involvement in (1) the 2016 elections, (2) the Trump presidential campaign, (3) the current administration, and (4) the financial interests of anyone involved in these groups.

Our recommended contacts include:

The House Committee on Intelligence (US House of Representatives Permanent Committee on Intelligence). You can phone the House Committee on Intelligence at (minority/Democratic Party members) (202) 225-7690 and (majority/Republican party members) (202) 225-4121

The Senate Committee on Intelligence (US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence). You can phone the Senate Committee on Intelligence at (202) 224-1700.

Also, contact your Senators and your Representative in the House and let them know that you fully support open-ended investigations into Russian involvement in the 2016 national election and the current executive branch administration. You can find their contact information here.

A possible script for your phone call could be:

I am _____________ (your name) from ____________ (your town and state) and I’m calling you today because our United States has been violated by an adversarial foreign power. It is imperative that a special commission is appointed by Congress for open-ended investigation into Russian involvement in:

* the 2016 election,

* the Trump Presidential campaign,

* the current administration, and

* the financial interests of anyone involved in these groups.

I would like _________ (person or committee/committee member you are contacting) to contact me and give me assurance that they will lend full support to appointing a commission and beginning this independent investigation promptly. Enough time has been wasted since the intelligence agencies reported on this. This is urgent.

Once you’ve taken action, post your experience in a comment on our site and/or social media. We want to hear from you!

Thank you for your support.

The Bending Toward Justice Indivisible Team


Action #1: Speak Truth to Money

Greetings everyone. Welcome to Bending Toward Justice, an Indivisible Group focused on promoting actions committed to challenging conflicts of interest in government and ensuring the voting rights of all citizens.

Short and sweet, right?

You see, while it’s tempting to chase every single outrageous thing that seems to come out of this White House, we want to ensure that we’re very focused on what we believe are one or two of the most important things. Once we solve those, we’ll move on to the next thing. We don’t think this administration will lack for areas of opportunity for us all to stand up for our shared values.

Our group is taking a slightly different approach from the other excellent actions that our sister Indivisible groups are taking. In addition to the actions focused on convincing our Members of Congress (or as we’ve learned from our Indivisible mentors: MoCs) to take the right actions, we want to add to those voices in other creative ways.


For this week, here’s the plan – Speak Truth to Money. We know that money is power, and that the media has power (well, some more than others). Since we all buy stuff, in addition to telling our MoCs how we feel, we can influence various media news outlets that intentionally spread “falsehoods” (aka lies) or at least stand by while their guests do it.

Here’s what our team is doing and we encourage you to join us:

  1. Commit to watching at least 30 minutes of any of the top cable news shows (Fox News, CNN, MSNBC)
  2. Post your commitment to this action on Twitter (@bending2justice) with the #BTJAction and on your Facebook feed
  3. Write down any news item reported about the Trump administration that is provably The “provable” part is key. We want to point to true facts, not opinions or things you simply don’t agree with
  4. Make note of the advertisers that air commercials during the time you’re watching
  5. Go to the advertisers’ web pages and Facebook groups/pages and post a comment stating that you cannot continue to purchase their product or service when they advertise on these programs, which are spreading lies about this administration.
  6. Once you’ve done this action, post it to Twitter and Facebook. Include in your action:
    1. The program you watched (with time of day, channel, etc.)
    2. The false statement made
    3. A reference to why it’s false (this is the important part; make sure it’s a solid reference)
    4. The advertiser you contacted

Below is a sample of text you can use on the advertisers’ pages:

I was just watching and heard claim that which I know isn’t true. When these media outlets spread these lies or provide a platform for others to do it, it damages our democracy and my trust these news sources. It also damages my trust in your brand and my willingness to buy .

Please consider not buying air time on . I like your but I will stop buying it if you continue this support.

Thank you.

Pretty simple and easy, right?

We’ll have another creative action coming soon. Let us know what you think. If you have any creative ideas, feel free to share them on our Facebook page or Twitter (@bending2justice).

Yours in Justice,

The Bending Toward Justice team